UNIMAID student makes autonomous robot, alcohol detector (photos, video)

Haruna Abubakar, an engineering student of the University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) Borno state, has made an autonomous robot and a prototype of an alcohol detection system that can be incorporated in automobiles. The UNIMAID student presented his autonomous robot He presented it to his colleagues who belong to a group, Borno Tech Forum. The group … Continue reading UNIMAID student makes autonomous robot, alcohol detector (photos, video)

French air force train eagles to bring down flying drones in case of terrorist attacks

Around 300,000 drones were sold in France during 2016. CLOSE Technology Eagle vs drone: Dutch police are training birds of prey to take down illegal drones  A golden eagle trained to intercept drones in midair was part of the display at an air-force display attended by French president Francois Hollande. The eagle caught a flying … Continue reading French air force train eagles to bring down flying drones in case of terrorist attacks


A little smile. A word of cheer. A bit of love from someone near. A little gift from one held dear. Best wishes for the coming year. These make a Merry Christmas!